The holistic approach for young athletes which includes nutrition, fitness, mind therapy plays an important role in their growth, physical development and performance. An athletes holistic plan should include right diet along with the right amount of macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, fat and protein), micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals), antioxidants and fluids which are essential in providing energy for growth, stamina and performance. At WYNIT, we provide best holistic approach for young athletes.
An imbalance between sport and nutrition requirements in the age group of 13 to 18 often results in children falling out of sports due to inadequate calorie intake, injuries or energy burnout during training sessions.
Thus, it is very important to counsel young children on what foods are good for energy, when to eat certain foods, how to eat during a competition, before and after training sports nutrition, focusing on good hydration and the importance of sleeping well.
Drawing up an athlete diet plan well as nutritional training helps young athletes attain proper growth and perform to their full potential.
A healthy sports diet ensures that the athlete is getting all the nutrients that their body needs to produce energy and to create new muscle tissue, enzymes and other cellular structures involved in energy metabolism.
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